NEXIT: Message From Realtrify Is Not From Npower

There is a message online being sent to some exited Npower Batch A and B volunteers from a training organization claiming to come from Npower with respect to the NEXIT training program, please if you are an exited Npower Batch A or B volunteer or even an Npower Batch C Volunteer, and you received this message, please it is false and not from Npower nor for the NEXIT training program.

The NEXIT training message contains detailed informations regarding the NEXIT training program, informations such as NEXIT training venue, date, and also the phone numbers of the training institute, all these informations are missing in the Realtrify message.

Furthermore the Realtrify message implores exited Npower Batches A and B volunteers to join a community by clicking and sharing a link, and gain points and make cash by joining this community, the NEXIT training program does not require any exited Npower Batch A or B volunteer to click a link in order to get certain amount of points, cash or resources needed for the entrepreneurship training.


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