NEXIT: Modalities Being Put In Place To Ensure A Hitchfree Exercise

As we speak the modalities and logistics are being put in place to ensure a smooth and hitchfree NEXIT training exercise, all Npower Batch A and B have been advised to exercise patience as the Npower NEXIT training exercise will soon commence, the NEXIT officials are at the moment putting everything in place to ensure that the NEXIT training is conducted successfully.

Under the NEXIT training program all exited Npower Batches A and B volunteers will be trained on how to develop a business and entrepreneurship and will be given soft loans from the Central Bank of Nigeria after completion of the NEXIT training program.

The delay in commencement of the NEXIT training exercise is as a result of the preparations being put in place to make sure that the NEXIT training captures all Npower Batch A and B volunteers that have expressed their interest in the NEXIT training, the NEXIT training program will commence very soon as stated by the Minister for Humanitarian Affairs, according to her, the NEXIT training program should kick off by the end of the first quarter which should be around March, all things being equal.


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