NEXIT:If You Relocated Please Do Not Fill Your Current Location On The NEXIT Form, Fill The Location Of Your NEXIT Training

Majority of exited Npower Batches A and B volunteers filling the NEXIT training form, have been filing their current location, when they had already relocated from their exact NEXIT training state, please if you have relocated from the state you did your Npower program, please do not fill your current location, what do I mean by this, your NEXIT training venue is always at the state you did your Npower during the batch A or B program, if your NEXIT training venue is in Lagos state, it simply means you did your Npower program in Lagos state, probably you have relocated to Abia state, please when filling the NEXIT training form fill your previous state which you did the Npower program which in this case, is Lagos state, please do not fill Ogun state as this might affect the loan acquisition process.

Lots of exited Npower Batch A and B volunteers that have relocated from the previous state they did Npower, have been making the mistake of filling their current state they relocated to in the NEXIT form.

In addition to the above if your NEXIT training venue is in your state, please do not go to another state to participate in the NEXIT training program, anything you do there will be null and void.


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