Npower: Before The Month Runs Out You Should Begin To See Changes On Your Payroll Status For January And February Stipend

Lots of Npower Batch C Volunteers have been asking when they are getting their January and February stipend, please your payment will first be January payment first, before you are paid February, but the payment process will be expedited this time around, before the month runs out Npower Batch C Volunteers should start seeing changes on their payroll status, the entire payment process is being escalated as we speak, all hands are on deck by the Npower NASIMS management to ensure a hitch free payment this time around.

January and February stipend has already been approved, it is just the validation process from NIBSS Nigeria Inter Bank Settlement Scheme that causes a little bit of the delay in disbursement of stipend to the Npower Batch C Volunteers, once the payment process is validated all Npower Batch C Volunteers should start seeing changes on their payment payroll status, changes such as pending, processing, paid.....

Npower Batch C Volunteers that were paid for September but have other failed outstanding payments, it will be reinitiated and paid as backlog payment to affected NPower Batch C Volunteers.

Please avoid sending emails or making calls to Npower customer service agents, except you have not been paid at all since the inception of payment, the Npower NASIMS management is aware of every failed payment and reinitiates payments at intervals.

As long as you were paid September you will definitely be paid your outstanding payments as backlogs.


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