Npower: How To Download Deployment Form And How To Fix Error Message Popping Up When Downloading Deployment Form

If you are an Npower Batch C Volunteer and you have been attempting to download your deployment form by clicking the download PPA letter or deployment form tab, but you keep getting the error message popping up when trying to download your deployment form.

If you are faced with this issue above, please follow the steps below to fix the error message and successfully download the deployment form;

1) The Npower Batch C Volunteer should download brave browser or the updated chrome browser from Google playstore 

2) The Npower Batch C volunteer should login to the Npower NASIMS dashboard

3) The Npower Batch C volunteer should switch his or her browser settings from mobile view to desktop view

4) The Npower Batch C volunteer should keep on pressing the download button till it works.

5) The Npower Batch C Volunteer might get exhausted and tired by clicking on the download button repeatedly, to solve this the Npower Batch C volunteer should download the Auto Clicker app from playstore and schedule the app to 2 secs interval. 

6) The Npower Batch C Volunteer should place the cursor of the Auto Clicker App to the Download PPA button, the Auto Clicker will automatically press the Download PPA button at 2 seconds intervals.

If after carrying out the above task and you are still experiencing difficulties downloading your deployment form, then exercise patience and try it again later, you might just be experiencing network issues and traffic congestion as lots of Npower Batch C Volunteers are attempting to download their PPA letter simultaneously.
