Npower: If You Scored 70% In Your Last Test You Will Be Shortlisted For The Npower Batch C2 Stream 2 Program

If you are an Npower Batch applicant and you were not shortlisted in the first Npower Batch C1 program, and you scored 70% please exercise patience you will be shortlisted for the next stream, the Npower Batch C2 program.

Currently the compilation for the Npower Batch C2 stream 2 list is ongoing and shortlisted Npower Batch C2 stream 2 volunteers will be duly contacted through their Npower NASIMS profile, once the shortlist is concluded it will be made public on all verified Npower NASIMS socal media handles, after the shortlist, the next is Npower NASIMS biometrics, please for now all Npower NASIMS biometrics process has been suspended until the list of Npower Batch C2 volunteers are released.

Deployment will commence after the Npower NASIMS biometrics fingerprint enrollment, all Npower Batch C2 prospective volunteers are advised to continue checking their Npower NASIMS dashboard and verification tabs for updates.


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