Npower: Physical Verification Will Not Start On The 10th Please Ignore Rumours For Now

Some Npower Batch C Volunteers have be claiming to have been shortlisted and have been scheduled for physical verification on the 10th of March, please the Npower NASIMS physical verification exercise will not start by March 10th, the shortlisting process is still ongoing and even after the list of successful Npower Batch C2 volunteers have been released, the Npower Batch C2 volunteers will still have to complete the Npower NASIMS biometrics fingerprint enrollment, after the Npower NASIMS biometrics fingerprint enrollment then the Npower Batch C2 volunteer will now be contacted for physical verification and deployment, it is a process and every process is followed strictly and accordingly.

Therefore every Npower Batch C applicants should exercise patience and first and foremost wait to be shortlisted first, and complete his or her biometrics before talking about physical verification, the message sent that Npower NASIMS physical verification will commence on the 10th, is false, because the shortlisting process is yet to be concluded.


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