Npower: What To Do If You Attended Camp Training Last Year But Yet To Receive Your Stipend

If you are an Npower Batch C1 applicant and after completing your three months training you were promised your stipend but you are yet to receive your stipend, please kindly reach out to the following Npower NASIMS contact:

Npower Email:

Npower Support Email:

Npower Phone Numbers: 




or 018888189

Please endeavor to send in your Npower ID together with your issues and please avoid unnecessary details when laying your issues, please after making your complain do not send another, you will be placed on the queue and your issue will be addressed.

Also take note, if you are an Npower Batch C1 under the non graduate category and you have not been posted after the camp training please you will not be paid your monthly stipend until after the training.


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