Be patient, very soon it will get to processing and paid. - Npower

Some Npower Batch C Volunteers have been complaining that for days now their NASIMS payment status is still on pending, and they have been complaining that they are yet to be paid, while some Npower volunteers claim they have been paid.

The Npower management team have informed Npower Batch C Volunteers with this issue to exercise patience, that they will be paid and very soon their payment status will reflect the 'processing' then 'paid' status, read statement below;

"Be patient, very soon it will get to processing and paid. N-power cares."

With this statement in the coming weeks Npower Batch C Volunteers should start receiving payment for January stipend, please if your payment status have not shown the January payment status, just exercise patience as the changes are being updated gradually, please once January payment commences always check your bank account balance and do not rely solely on what is reflecting on your payment status.


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