Kindly wait for the next batch of the NEXIT soft loan training - Npower

Please if you missed the previous NEXIT soft loan training, please when the next batch of the NEXIT soft loan training commences please endeavor to join the next batch.

In a response to a question from an exited Npower volunteer, Npower have confirmed this, see question from a concerned Npower volunteer and see Npower's answer to this question below;

"Please I missed my NEXIT training, I lost  my phone during that period. I noticed it when I bought new phone. Please what should I do to be trained?"

"Hello  Emmanuel Silas, Kindly wait for the next batch of the training. Thank you"

Once the next batch of the NEXIT soft loan training commences those exited Npower Batches A and B volunteers that missed the previous NEXIT soft loan training can join the next batch.


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