Npower Nexit training: Minister did not say exactly when the Npower NEXIT soft loan training for next batch will commence

Some Npower exited Batch A and B volunteers waiting for the next batch of the Npower NEXIT soft loan training program have been saying that the Minister for Humanitarian Affairs said that the next batch of the Npower NEXIT soft loan training program will start by April, please this is a false statement, the Minister for Humanitarian Affairs did not state the exact date or when the Npower NEXIT soft loan training for the second batch will commence, she only said that the Npower NEXIT soft loan training will be conducted in batches and the first batch would commence by the first quarter which happened to be around March.

As we speak we discovered that some Npower volunteers business plan is still editable, as long as your soft loan business plan is still editable it simply means it has not been submitted yet, and the second batch of the Npower NEXIT soft loan training program cannot start until the business plan have been submitted, if your business plan can no longer be edited it means that it has been completed and submitted by the Npower NEXIT soft loan training consultants in charge of the Npower NEXIT soft loan program, but on the contrary if your business plan can be edited it simply means it has not been completed and submitted.

Exited Npower Volunteers that can still edit their business plan up till now should contact their state Npower NEXIT soft loan training consultants in order to facilitate the completion process of the business plan so that the second batch can commence.
