Please the NEXIT soft loan business plan depends on your training center - Npower

Some exited Npower Batch A and B volunteers are getting confused over the earlier post made concerning the adjustments of the NEXIT soft loan business plan.

Please the NEXIT soft loan business plan adjustment spoken about yesterday was for exited Npower Batch A and B trainees in Lagos state, different states have their perculiar business plan template, the exited Npower Batches A and B trainees in Lagos were specifically told to check their business plan for adjustments at the last day of the NEXIT soft loan training which was conducted by New Deal Integrated Resources.

Please contact your state NEXIT soft loan training consultants to find out what is obtainable in your state concerning the NEXIT soft loan training business plan, you can find the NEXIT consultants phone number on the NEXIT soft loan invitation message sent to you before the NEXIT soft loan training.


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