We Sincerely Apologize For The Delay In Payment, It Has Taken Longer Than Necessary, We Feel Your Pains And Dissatisfaction, Your Payment Will Come As Backlog, You Will Get Paid Soon - Npower

Npower through her media network have guaranteed all Npower Batch C Volunteers under the non graduate category and even Npower Batch C Volunteers under the graduate category having failed payment issues and other payment issues which have made them not to receive any stipend that they will be paid soon in no distant time.

In a statement made by Npower management, Npower said "we sincerely apologize for the delay in payment, it has taken longer than necessary, we feel your pains and dissatisfaction, your payment will come as backlog, you will get paid soon" in this regards all Npower Batch C Volunteers that are yet to receive a dime since the beginning of the Npower program last year have been advised to exercise patience that they will be paid when payment starts in the coming weeks, as we speak the January stipend is at its pending stage once it passes to the processing stage Npower Batch C Volunteers will start getting payment as soon as their payment status changes to 'paid' status, then payment of February and March stipend follows afterwards.


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