Biometrics: Biometrics done before 15th is invalid - Npower

According to Npower, all biometrics done before 15th when Npower gave the directives is invalid, Npower have claimed, "Hello Henry Akpabio, kindly do as instructed, whatever you did back then is invalid, since no one instructed you to do any biometric capturing then. Thank you." 

This was in a response to a statement made by an Npower Batch C stream 2 volunteer that did the biometrics previously before Npower directed Npower stream 2 volunteers to do their biometrics.

Just to be on a safe side if you did your Biometrics before the official date which was on the 15th, that is two days ago, just go and repeat the biometrics, this is just a precautionary measure as instructed by Npower, recall that Npower had previously told Npower Batch C stream 2 volunteers not to repeat the biometrics if you had already completed yours, but I repeat just to be on a safe side it costs you nothing to repeat the process, this is to make sure that your fingerprint has been captured into the Npower database.


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