March stipend: We are working to clear all payment related issues

Lots of Npower batch c stream 1 volunteers have been asking the question "when will Npower pay march stipend?" Some Npower batch c stream 1 volunteers have even said "they are waiting for march stipend", Npower in a response to this have said that they are working to clear all payment related issues as soon as they can, what this statement simply means is that the march stipend will commence when Npower have cleared a considerable amount of payment issues on the part of Npower volunteers, once previous months payment issues are cleared in the coming weeks then the march stipend will commence.

Npower batch c stream 1 volunteers have been advised to always check their payroll tab and payment status for updates regarding march stipend, once march stipend commences it will be displayed on the payroll tab on the nasims profile page of the Npower batch c stream 1 volunteers.

The march stipend will be displayed as pending first before it becomes processing then paid all these payment updates will be displayed on the march payment status when it commences.


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