Npower Batch C: Npower March stipend commences today

The processing of Npower march stipend commenced few hours ago today, in the coming weeks Npower Batch C stream 1 volunteers bank account should be credited and the payment status should become paid, Npower Batch C stream 1 volunteers have been advised to continue checking their Npower payroll payment status for updates and changes to their payment status.

The Npower march stipend will change from pending to processing then to paid in the coming days, Npower Batch C stream 2 volunteers should expect April stipend immediately after Npower march stipend, all outstanding failed payments will also be cleared, Npower Batch C stream 1 volunteers with failed payment issues have been told to go to Instagram app and search for Npower_ng and send in their complain, not forgetting to include their Npower ID when making their complain.


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