Npower batch c stream 1 and 2 should be careful of this information as it is fake

There is a recent news online that Npower batch c volunteers that is Npower stream 1 and Npower stream 2 volunteers that were not shortlisted for the Npower batch c program should quickly apply for the supplementary exercise to get them enlisted in the supplementary list and that new applicants are not exempted, please this information is false and not from Npower.

Npower is not conducting any recruitment at the moment and all recruitment process will be done through and not through, in addition to this the Npower Batch C program will run for a year and not for a year and six months as the information claims, Npower does not conduct supplementary exercise before you are shortlisted, Npower only conducts camp training for Npower Batch C Volunteers under the non graduate category, besides Npower recently enrolled 50,000 non graduate trainees and not 275,000 as the information claims, please existing Npower Batch C stream 2 volunteers and prospective Npower volunteers have been warned to always get verified information from official Npower handles or from nasims website or portal and ignore informations from other unverified sources.


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