Npower NEXIT Training

Npower NEXIT training is a process whereby exited Npower Batch A and B volunteers are trained for a period of a week on how to develop a business plan as a requirement for application of soft loan.

The Npower NEXIT training is conducted in batches, each batch will be trained on how to complete a viable business plan, after the completion of the business plan, it is submitted to the Central Bank of Nigeria for the processing and disbursement of the soft loan to the Npower volunteers.

The business plan will be scrutinized and approved before the soft loan is disbursed to the Npower volunteers, in some cases the business plans are submitted on behalf of the Npower volunteers by the Npower NEXIT training consultants, the Npower NEXIT training consultants are responsible for conducting the Npower NEXIT training nationwide.

The second batch of the Npower NEXIT training will commence after all business plans of the previous batch have been received by the Central Bank of Nigeria, before the next batch begins, a list is sent by Npower (the body in charge of of the NEXIT training programme) to the state Npower Nexit training consultants nationwide, then the next batch of the Npower NEXIT training begins.

All Npower volunteers will be given certificates at the end of the Npower NEXIT training and will be given soft loans after all business plans have been vetted and approved by the appropriate financial institutions.

This soft loan will be used to start a business as specified in the business plan of the Npower volunteers, Npower volunteers awaiting the next batch are advised to check their shortlisting status by dialing the NASIMS code *45665# the code used for checking the Npower NEXIT training status to check if they were shortlisted for the next batch of the Npower NEXIT training.


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