How An Npower Batch C Beneficiary Can Check If He Or She Will Be Deployed Or Not

Npower batch c beneficiaries might not be certain or sure if they will be deployed to their various places of primary assignment or not, if you are an Npower batch c beneficiary and you are not sure if you will be deployed or not, then just follow the simple procedures below to check if you will be deployed or not.


1) The Npower Batch C volunteer should login into the Npower portal.

2) After login into the Npower portal click on overview profile, once you see "shortlisted" or "applicant" under your Npower overview page then you will not be deployed, or the contrary if you see "beneficiary" or "pre-selected" on your Npower login overview page then proceed to the next step below.

3) Once you see the "beneficiary" or "pre-selected" click on the verification page, and scroll down, under the physical verification status it should read "pass" if you have completed your Npower physical verification exercise, once you see "pass" under your physical verification status then you will be deployed, on the contrary if your physical verification status displays "pending" and you have done your physical verification exercise you will be deployed, but if your physical verification status displays "pending" and you missed or failed to do your physical verification exercise before the Npower physical verification deadline then regrettably you will not be deployed.

All deployment details, deployment schedule and Npower deployment letter will be available under the deployment tab of the Npower portal, once the deployment letter becomes available it has to be downloaded and taken to the Npower beneficiary's place of primary assignment for it to be signed and uploaded back to the Npower portal under the deployment page.
