When Npower Batch C Stream 2 Beneficiaries Will Be Paid Their Monthly Stipend

Npower Batch C stream 2 beneficiaries might have been wondering when they will start getting their monthly stipend, Npower batch c stream 2 beneficiaries will get their monthly stipend after their deployment process must have been completed, at the moment the Npower Batch C stream 2 deployment process is ongoing and quite a handful of Npower batch c stream 2 beneficiaries are having issues downloading their deployment letters otherwise known as their ppa letters.

Npower batch c stream 2 beneficiaries will be paid a month after the completion of their deployment process, that is after their ppa letters must have been signed by their assigned supervisor or ppa contact person within three days of downloading the ppa letter and the signed ppa letter is uploaded back to the Npower portal, if after signing the ppa letter and it is not uploaded back to the Npower portal, the Npower Batch C stream 2 beneficiary will not be paid his or her Npower monthly stipend.
