How To Upload Npower Batch C Deployment Letter On The Npower Login Portal

Npower Batch C under the Npower Batch C stream 2 program can login into their Npower login portal to upload their Npower batch c stream 2 deployment letter by following the simple steps below.

1) The Npower batch c beneficiary should login into the Npower login portal using his or her Npower ID and password.

2) Before login into the Npower login portal, the Npower Batch C deployment letter must have been signed and stamped by the Npower ppa contact person and the state Npower focal person respectively, the stamped Npower batch c deployment letter must be scanned using fast scanner app, once scanned it should be saved on the device of the Npower Batch C beneficiary.

3) To upload the stamped Npower batch c deployment letter, the Npower Batch C beneficiary should login into the Npower login portal and click on deployment page.

4) After clicking on the deployment page on the Npower login portal, the Npower Batch C beneficiary should click on the upload acceptance letter tab on the Npower login portal.

5) Once the upload acceptance letter tab is clicked the Npower Batch C beneficiary is redirected to the folder were the Npower Batch C deployment letter was previously saved by the Npower Batch C beneficiary.

6) The Npower batch c beneficiary should click on the saved scanned copy of the Npower Batch C deployment letter and wait for few minutes and the Npower Batch C deployment letter will be uploaded automatically to the Npower login portal. Should the Npower Batch C deployment letter fail to upload it simply means that the file has exceeded the recommended maximum size, the Npower Batch C beneficiary should reduce the size of the file using any of the available picture reducing apps on Google playstore and reupload the Npower Batch C deployment letter and it will be uploaded to the Npower login portal.
