Npower Batch C Stream 1 Program Extended

Npower Batch C stream 1 beneficiaries receive their November payment, the implication of this payment simply means that the Npower Batch C stream 1 program continues.

Therefore, Npower Batch C stream 1 beneficiaries are to continue to attend their respective places of primary assignment or risk losing the rest of their payment.

Npower Batch C stream 2 beneficiaries with payment issues are to exercise patience and wait for the validation link to be sent to them, it was observed that lots of Npower batch c stream 2 beneficiaries failed the validation details process, and hence were not paid their stipend.

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  1. Some of us in stream C1 have not been paid since they started paying what should we do about that?

  2. Please let us know may be we will receive our money or not

  3. Some of us in batch C stream 2 have not receive any money,since they are started paying.What is happening?

  4. We the batch c stream 1 beneficiaries are still waiting for our outstanding payment.please use your good office to give us a positive response.Thank you

  5. Please i want to change my name from bank due to marriage, please what should i do?


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