Npower On Npower Portal, Npower Payment, Npower Validation And Renewed Hope Job Creation Program

According to Npower on Npower portal, the Npower portal has been suspended until investigation is completed, investigation is at its concluding phase, once investigation is completed the Npower portal will become active.

Secondly according to Npower on Npower payment, Npower payment to Npower batch c will start next month, only eligible and validated Npower batch c will receive Npower payment, Npower batch c that were sent the Npower validation link but failed to complete the Npower validation might not receive Npower payment. Npower batch c with incorrect account details were expected to complete the Npower validation.

According to Npower on Npower validation, the Npower validation is still ongoing, although Npower validation has been concluded for Npower batch c.

Lastly according to Npower on the Renewed Hope job creation program, this will be launched by January, and Npower will no longer be Npower but known as the Renewed Hope Job Creation Program.
