Npower On Npower Payment To Npower Batch C Today Thursday 21st December 2023

According to Npower on Npower payment to Npower batch c today Thursday 21st December 2023, Npower has commenced payment to Npower batch c, at the moment Npower payment is just for one month out of the nine months pending stipend.

According to Npower, this is a sign of more Npower payment to come next year before the new Npower program is launched, Npower batch c beneficiaries yet to receive their Npower payment are advised to exercise patience and continue to check their banking app for payment, Npower batch c should note that the ongoing Npower payment is for Npower batch c under the Npower stream 2 category, payment to other Npower batch c beneficiaries will start soon. 

According to Npower, this payment comes after the mopping up of funds by the Director of Finance for the National Social Investment Programme Agency, this is to fulfill the mandate of the ministry towards Npower batch c beneficiaries.
