
Npower News On Clarification Of Yesterday's Video On Why The Federal Government Refused To Listen To Beneficiaries Of Npower In Time Past

According to Npower News today, the National Coordinator of Npower in a video online made clarifications concerning yesterday's video, he said he received calls from beneficiaries of Npower saying that why was he blaming beneficiaries of Npower as the cause of their problem and still saying that Npower payment will commence in June, that the Npower national coordinator is contradicting himself. The Npower national coordinator has clarified this by informing beneficiaries of Npower that what he meant was that beneficiaries of Npower were not cooperative and supportive in sharing videos and write-ups.

According to Npower News, the National Coordinator of Npower said that what has taken four years to achieve has taken one to two weeks to achieve positive results, he said yes, Npower payment will start in June and the suspension of Npower will be lifted. The Npower national coordinator commended the effort of the National Chairman of the association of Npower and other members of the EXCOS. Kindly watch details in attached video.

Video Credit: NPOWER TV 


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