
How To Check If You Will Receive The Federal Government Grant Or Not

Lots of applicants are not sure whether they will receive the federal government grant or not.

Although I have posted this previously but for the purpose of individuals who missed this write up I will be posting this again.

Below are ways to check if you will be receiving the federal government grant:

1) Applicants that completed their federal government grant application successfully before the federal government grant application deadline will receive the federal government grant.

2) Applicants that completed the federal government grant application when the NIN column was not available on the federal government grant portal but updated their NIN manually when instructed to do so, will receive the federal government grant.

3) Applicants that were sent test messages to proceed to their local government area for data capturing and followed the instructions on the text message by proceeding to their local government area will receive the federal government grant.

4) Applicants that checked the federal government grant portal and used their phone number to check their NIN verification status and received the message "NIN already updated" will receive the federal government grant.

5) Applicants that applied successfully for the federal government grant before the deadline and checked the federal government grant portal and observed that the maximum number of beneficiaries for the federal government grant has not reached 1290 will receive the federal government grant.

6) Applicants that updated their NIN after the deadline for the federal government grant might not receive the federal government grant.

With the above, applicants for the federal government grant can know their stand whether they will be receiving the federal government grant or not. The federal government grant disbursement is ongoing and will continue until the 1,000,000 beneficiaries have all received the federal government grant.


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