Npower: Please Do Not Pay Exam Fee For Stream 2

There is a false information in circulation online imploring Npower Batch C Volunteers to pay certain sum of money to write exam in order for them to be selected for Npower stream 2, please this information is not from Npower NASIMS management, and it is totally false.

Npower will not and never demand for payment to write any form of test, the Npower application and selection process is totally free of charge, when the next batch which is stream 2 commences it will be communicated on all verified media both online and offline.

The website looks exactly like the NASIMS website, please all Npower volunteers should be extremely careful, the moment you visit any website and you are told to make payment, please desist from such, these are the handiwork of fraudsters looking for innocent Npower volunteers to decieve.

October payment will continue very soon, November and December stipend have been approved, Npower volunteers should continue attending their PPA until told otherwise.


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