Npower: NEXIT Training Date To Be Announced Soon

Lots of exited Npower Batch A and B volunteers are expectant over the exact date for the Npower NEXIT training, the main thing is that the NEXIT program will definitely commence, and all exited Npower batches A and B volunteers will be carried along, Npower Batch A and B will be communicated via text message or email on the exact training date and venue, training date will also be communicated via the state local authorities when the time approaches.

Please if you were not shortlisted for the NEXIT program at the moment please use your BVN to check your nexit status, otherwise exercise patience for the next batch of the N-Power NEXIT program, the Npower NEXIT program is for all disengaged Npower Batch A and B volunteers as part of the promises and objectives of the social investment program to make the teeming youths employers and even entrepreneurs in the labour industry market.
