NEXIT: After The NEXIT Training More Batches Will Have To Complete Their NEXIT Training, All Business Plans Will Be Revised And Submitted To Appropriate Financial Institutions

Lots of exited Npower Batch A and B volunteers that recently completed their NEXIT soft loan training, have been asking what next after the NEXIT training first batch is concluded, the answer to this question is as follows:

1) Another NEXIT soft loan training will be conducted for exited Npower Batch A and B volunteers, this will be the second NEXIT training (their are speculations that a third batch will also be out after the second batch but these are mere speculations).

2) After all the NEXIT soft loan trainings for all batches are completed and all business plans completed and certificates collected, the NEXIT soft loan business plan will be vetted, corrected and adjusted by the NEXIT soft loan training organisations.

3) After the business plans of all exited Npower Batch A and B volunteers that participated in the NEXIT soft loan training exercise is scrutinized and adjusted, the adjusted business plan will be forwarded to the appropriate financial institutions and the soft loans funded by Central Bank of Nigeria.

4) The business plan will be checked, priority areas such as loan amount and working capital will be measured and used as a yardstick to disburse the soft loans to exited Npower Batch A and B volunteers.

Exited Npower Batch A and B should note that, the disbursement stage will not take place until all the batches have completed their NEXIT soft loan trainings.


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