Npower: N-Build Non Graduate Volunteers Will Also Receive ₦42,000 Transport Allowance As N-Tech Volunteers

Lots of Npower Batch C Volunteers under the Npower non graduate category have been asking if the N-Build volunteers will receive the same transport allowance as their counterpart N-Tech, will the answer to this question is yes, the N-Build non graduate category will also get the same ₦42,000 given to N-Tech, because both categories falls under the non graduate category and both categories will participate in the camp training which will last for weeks.

The non graduate volunteers will be trained on various skill set that will enhance their skills, the training will last for a period of 3 months, before the Npower non graduates are posted to their places of primary assignment were they will be assigned to a trainer, the non graduates will be given all the necessary tools, such as scanners, devices and laptops after their training, after the training every non graduate volunteer will be given ₦10,000 monthly stipend for the entire duration of the Npower program, the non graduate category will last for six months.


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