The National Social Investment Management System (NASIMS) have released a press statement to clear the air on the current initiation of backlogs which as we speak is reflecting on the payroll section of some Npower Batch C non graduate volunteers.

NASIMS said that the initiation of backlogs payment for Npower non graduate beneficiaries as shown on the payroll section of their NASIMS profile was actually for those Npower non graduates who had completed their training since last year and were not paid.

The Npower non graduate trainees currently undergoing training at different camps are not part of the batch that will be getting their backlogs payment soon.

The current Npower non-graduate trainees in camp will receive their payments only after completing their training and this will come as backlog payments.

NASIMS further said that all non graduates are the same as the graduate beneficiaries regardless of the program and their is no form of favoritsm or partiality as far as the Npower program is concerned.

Read the NASIMS statement below:

"We have received with great concern complaints from some non-graduate Beneficiaries regarding what they considered as dismal and gloomy approach towards the initiation of backlogs payments for non-graduate beneficiaries.

For avoidance of doubt, we are impartial and always work with directives. The initiation of backlogs payment for non-graduate beneficiaries as reflected on payroll section WASN'T FOR ALL NON-GRADUATE BENEFICIARIES, BUT ONLY FOR THOSE WHO HAD UNDERGONE AND SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED THEIR TRAINING SINCE LAST YEAR 2021.

To that effect, all non-graduate trainees currently receiving training at different camps are apparently excluded from the batch that will be getting their backlogs payment any time soon. THE CURRENT TRAINEES IN CAMPS SHALL RECEIVE THEIR PAYMENTS UPON COMPLETION OF THEIR TRAINING OR THEREAFTER AS BACKLOG.

Please note, all non-graduate beneficiaries are the same as well as graduate beneficiaries regardless of program. Therefore all entitlement due to you will not be denied. Be patient and wait for your payment when it's appropriate.

Thank you!"


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