NEXIT: How to preview your Npower NEXIT business plan for Lagos Npower volunteers

If you are an Npower volunteer and you reside in Lagos state and you did your Npower NEXIT training in Lagos state but you do not know how to preview your Npower NEXIT training soft loan business plan then please follow the following steps below, please for other states please consult your state Npower NEXIT training officers, their phone number is in the Npower NEXIT training invitation message sent to you before the Npower NEXIT training.


1) sign In to using your Npower email and the First and second letter of your surname or first name, then @ and the last three digits of your Npower phone number, for instance if your names are Amechi Eze, and your phone number is 07025673421 then your login password will be either Am@421 or Ez@421, please note, your email address is the email address you used for your Npower registration and the phone number is also the phone number you used for your Npower registration.

2) After Signing into the business plan template, click on the second tab, which is preview business plan, as you can see from the screen shot attached, you will also see your Npower NEXIT training institution details, such as contact phone number, contact email, contact address, contact name.

3) After clicking preview business plan, it takes you to the preview business plan page, at the top of the preview business plan page, click on 'Print/Save as PDF'

4) When you click on Print/Save as PDF it will take you directly to the Adobe pdf downloader, please make sure you have this application installed on your mobile device so that you can save the business plan document.

5) Click on the light green circular shape at the top right corner of the pdf download page, then choose the folder, storage or drive you want to save the business plan, you can rename it if you want to, otherwise leave the name as it is.

Please if you noticed that you can still edit the details on your business plan it simply means it has not yet been submitted, please contact your Npower NEXIT training officer immediately if you notice this issue.

Also note that the submission of the Npower NEXIT training business plan will be submitted by the NEXIT training officers after it has been adjusted and not by the Npower volunteer.


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