Npower Nexit training: Soft loan will be disbursed only after the next set have completed their Npower Nexit training

Many Npower Batch A and B volunteers have been asking the question "when will the soft loan disbursement commence?" The hard truth is that the soft loan disbursement will not start until the next set have completed their Npower Nexit training.

The next set for the Npower Nexit training will not start until the business plan of the first set have been totally submitted, as we speak the loan amount of the business plan of the first set of the Npower Nexit training soft loan program is being adjusted, after completion, the business plan is submitted, then the next batch of the Npower Nexit training soft loan program can start.

After the next set of the Npower Nexit trainee have completed their one week Npower Nexit training, then their business plan containing the loan amount is also adjusted and forwarded to the Central Bank of Nigeria, it is after the submission of the business plan of the next batch that the soft loan will now be disbursed to respective Npower Batch A and B volunteers for them to establish a business of their choice, please note that the soft loan might be cash or not, because speculations have it that some equipments might be purchased by some contacting firm as the case may be.


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