Npower October payment will be paid when backlog payment commences

Npower October payment will be paid as backlog when backlog payment commences, their a specific periods for backlog payments and backlog payments occurs most times before the next payment or after the next payment in coming weeks, once the backlog payments starts then Npower October payment will be paid, please backlog payment is quite different from payment reinitiation, payment reinitiation is a process of restarting a payment that was made recently and due to network glitches it failed to be credited into the Npower volunteers bank account and therefore has to be restarted, backlog payments on the other hand are for outstanding payments in arrears that were made months ago but failed to be credited into the Npower volunteers account and was not re-initiated during that particular period of payment.

When the backlog payment commences for October payment and after checking your payment status it showed failed then your have to call Npower customer service agent on 018888148 then explain your situation after sending your Npower ID.


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