Npower Nexit: We have submitted business plans, made our recommendations, awaiting Central Bank of Nigeria - Nexit training consultant

In a recent phone conversation with an Npower Nexit training consultant in one of the states, the NEXIT training consultants said "we have submitted business plans, made our recommendations, awaiting Central Bank of Nigeria", infact the Npower Nexit training consultants said the business plans have all been submitted to Central Bank of Nigeria and the soft loans will be provided by the Central Bank of Nigeria.

What this means is that the delay in disbursement of the soft loan is actually coming from the Central Bank of Nigeria and not necessarily from the Npower next training consultants, the NEXIT training consultants said their job is just to schedule trainings with Npower volunteers, make necessary adjustments to business plans and submit the business plans on behalf of the Npower volunteers and nothing more.

The Npower Nexit consultant said the second batch of the Npower Nexit training will start when Npower sends the list of Npower volunteers for next batch to them, and there might be more batches coming up as well.


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