Npower News Wednesday August 9th 2023

According to Npower news Wednesday August 9th 2023, npower batch c should please be patient Npower technical team is working to resolve all Npower payment issue with respect to October, November and December, the Npower payment process is ongoing, and all eligible Npower batch c beneficiaries will get their Npower payment.

According to Npower news, Npower batch c beneficiaries that got Npower payment for October, November and December, should kindly note that they are not expected to validate their account.

According to Npower news, npower batch c beneficiaries should kindly note that Npower payment for the months of January, February, March, April, May and June has not been initiated yet, Npower apologizes for the delay, Npower batch c beneficiaries should please note that Npower is working to resolve all pending payment issues, Npower sincerely apologize for the delay, Npower assures Npower batch c beneficiaries that their stipends will be paid duly, Npower beneficiaries should kindly be more patient.

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