Dr. Betta Edu Talks About New Npower Payment Structure For Npower And Npower Batch C Beneficiaries

According to Npower on the new Npower payment structure for paying unpaid Npower batch c, Dr. Betta Edu, the Minister responsible for Npower, made some statements about new changes in Npower and changes in the payment to Npower batch c.

According to Npower, the Federal Government will restructure and rebrand Npower and Npower will be known as the renewed hope job creation program and Npower payment will be made to Npower batch c by January 2024, the new Npower payment plan will be rolled out in December 2023.

According to Npower, the Federal Government is working to verify and validate all Npower batch c before making payments to these Npower batch c beneficiaries.

According to Npower, some Npower batch c have expressed their anger over the delays in payment by Npower and are planning a peaceful demonstration today, but the Federal Government has assured these Npower batch c beneficiaries that they will receive their Npower payment under the new Npower payment structure.

Npower batch c who are no longer in Npower will still get their Npower payment under the new Npower payment system.

According to Npower, Dr. Betta Edu the current Minister in charge of Npower has adopted plans to add more Npower beneficiaries to the Npower correctly, check who these Npower beneficiaries are, and then pay these Npower beneficiaries.

Dr. Betta Edu has advised Npower batch c beneficiaries to exercise patience because the new Npower payment structure will take a little while to be implemented. This new Npower payment structure is expected to start in January 2024.
