
Npower News: Nigerian Persons With Disability PWD Leaders And Pioneers Call For The Reinstatement Of Betta Edu As Minister For Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation

According to Npower News, the Nigerian Persons With Disability (PWD) Leaders and Pioneers have called for the reinstatement of Betta Edu as the Minister for Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation pending the final adjudication of allegations against her.

The Pioneers of Nigeria’s National and International Disability Civil Rights Movement and Policy Changers, in a press release dated May 19, 2024, stated that the suspended Minister,  Betta Edu has been a significant asset to to the current administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, in handling the numerous inherited challenges from the previous administration, particularly in the inclusion and responding to the challenges of the Persons With Disabilities (PWD).

The group further explained that the suspended Minister Betta Edu, in her over six months as Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, the nation witnessed tangible impacts of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s administration, especially among 35,500,000 Nigerians with disabilities, including the Almajiris, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), Nigeria’s first responders, wounded Nigerian military veterans, with the Police, ICPC, EFCC, DSS, Civil Defense, Customs, and other law enforcement officers who suffer from one of the unrecognized and unaddressed late effects and their direct family members, known as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD) (psychological or mental disability).

“Unfortunately, these good works with empirical impact on Nigerians across the board were put on hold through her suspension, and while the allegations against her are still pending, we urge Mr President to reinstate her as a Minister in the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation so that she can continue the implementation of lofty disability and women-inclusive grassroots initiatives, and community-based village movement Renewed Hope Agenda.”, the group said.

Read the Full Press Release Below:

Nigerian PWD leaders & Pioneers Call for the Reinstatement of Hon Dr. Betta Edu as Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation Pending the Final Adjudication of Allegations Against Her

As Nigerian PWD leaders who are also the Pioneers of Nigeria’s National and International Disability Civil Rights Movement and Policy Changers, and the only Nigerians with Disabilities members of the Rehabilitation International (RI), Disabled Peoples International (DPI), International Disability Alliance (IDA), International Disability Caucus (IDC) (Defunct) & the United Nations Eight Sessions Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities [A/RES/60/232] that successfully advocated and negotiated with the United Nations member states to adopt the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on December 13, 2006.

We were the only Nigerians with disabilities who have dedicated over four decades to utilizing high-level diplomacy, round-table meetings, advocacy, and negotiations with the Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the United Nations, as well as both the legislative and executive branches of the Nigerian Government. This includes the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its former ministers, the former Attorney General of the Federation of Nigeria and Minister of Justice, and the Senate President and Honorable Speaker of the 8th National Assembly.

Our efforts resulted in the signing and ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and its Optional Protocol. Additionally, we were instrumental in the harmonization, voting, passage, and signing into law of the Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities (Prohibition) Bill by President Muhammadu Buhari. Furthermore, it is gratifying that through our invaluable effort, Nigeria signed the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Africa on February 10, 2020, with its ratification approved by President Ahmed Bola Tinubu on October 23, 2023, as adopted by the African Union Member States on January 29, 2018.

Moreover, our advocacy contributed to the establishment of 23 state disability rights laws in Nigeria, derived from both the Plateau State Disability Rights Law of 2005 (the first in Nigeria) and the UN CRPD, to promote the rights and well-being of individuals with disabilities in Nigeria.

Our mission aligns with high-level diplomacy in dismantling decades of outdated systems and man-made barriers that have hindered disability policy progress in Nigeria. These barriers have directly affected the true implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), rendering the Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities (Prohibition) Act of 2018 flawed and in need of correction under President Tinubu’s administration. Our broader vision is for a Nigeria where “Nothing About Us Without Us” and “No One Left Behind.”

Our mission also aligns with High-Level diplomacy advocating and negotiating that every citizen is treated with dignity and equality. We strive to dismantle that bad system and man-made barriers hindering Nigeria from being truthful in her implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), especially, its Article 4, with double emphasis on its Article 4.3 (“In the development and implementation of legislation and policies to implement the present Convention, and in other decision-making processes concerning issues relating to persons with disabilities, States Parties shall closely consult with and actively involve persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities, through their representative organizations”) and its accompanying Optional Protocol, signed and ratified by the Federal Government of Nigeria, on March 30, 2007, and September 24, 2010, respectively, under the UN Charter and its Treaty Agreement signed and ratified by the Federal Government of Nigeria on October 7, 1960.

In addition to advocating for disability Civil and human rights, we also negotiate for Disability and Women Inclusive & Accessible True Peacebuilding, Economic Development, the SDGs 2030 Agenda, Democracy and Good Governance, Political and Electoral Processes, Grassroots, Community-based, STEM-Education, plus Arts and Culture, (STEAC-Education), Entrepreneurship, Blockchain Architecture, Coding, and Robotics, etc., starting from Kindergarten-Primary-Secondary-School of lifelong learning adults continuing educations levels, as well as monitoring and researching on means of combating, Nigeria’s toxic, stressful, traumatic and deadly environment, Climate Change, Transboundary, Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution, and Health among others.

We extend our gratitude to you, Mr. President, and your administration, particularly the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, under the leadership of Suspended Honorable Dr. Betta Edu, an International Physician Scientist and thoroughbred Humanitarian, who comprehensively understands our humanitarian, disability, social, health, legal, human rights and other needs while respecting and implementing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Article 4.3; and utilized her healthcare and humanitarian skills effectively.

It Is gladdening to note that the strategic work plan of the “At-Risk Children Program,” under the National Social Investment Program in the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation before Honorable Dr. Betta Edu was suspended was put together with the effort of the Pioneers of Nigeria’s National and International Disability Civil Rights Movement and Policy Changers, led by the Office of the JONAPWD BoT Chairperson, Center for Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities, Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities International, Inc (ERPWDI) (aka Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities Initiative (ERPWDI) based in Houston Texas USA and the Foundation for Nigeria’s Wounded Military Veterans, as consultants.

Mr. President, we sincerely appreciate your open-door policy and commitment to listening to critical issues affecting our society. Your pledge, as articulated in your inaugural speech on May 29, 2023, to consult and dialogue rather than dictate, underscores your dedication to representing the wishes of the citizenry of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Mr. President, Sir, we thank you for appointing Mr. Mohammed Abba Isa as your Senior Special Assistant (SSA) on Special Needs and Equal Opportunity (Disability Matters). To date, this is the only appointment given to our community of over 35.5 million Nigerians with disabilities, a political constituency of significant consequence. On their behalf, I plead for an improvement with more appointments of persons with disabilities as soon as possible.

Sir, your reputation as a keeper of promises and a leader who values the sacrifices of his followers precedes you. On March 4, 2024, His Excellency, we officially presented a publication Titled: “Unveiling the Nexus: Urgent Need to Start Recognizing Disability, Persons with Disabilities & Mismanagement of NCPD/JONAPWD-National as Major Causes of Nigeria’s Insecurity” and to Inaugurate Annual Disability & Women Inclusive PEACEBUILDING for curbing Nigeria’s Insecurity, et al …,” dated February 26, 2024, directly to your office and through the SSA to the President on Special Needs and Equal Opportunity, the Chief of Staff, Secretary of the Government of the Federation, Federal Government of Nigeria’s Servicom, Head of the Civil Service of the Federation, and others. In this publication, we highlighted your statement on January 3, 2023, during a town hall meeting with Muslim leaders from the North-west region. You pledged to collaborate in establishing a Commission to address the Almajiri problem if elected President.

Mr President, we humbly move to resubmit an Amendment of the original copy of the publication Titled: “Unveiling the Nexus: Urgent Need to Start Recognizing Disability, Persons with Disabilities & Mismanagements of NCPD/JONAPWD-National as Major Causes of Nigeria’s Insecurity” and to Inaugurate Annual Disability & Women Inclusive PEACEBUILDING for curbing Nigeria’s Insecurity, et al …,” dated February 26, 2024, which is now titled was amended to now read, “Unveiling the Nexus: Disability, Mismanagement, and Insecurity in Nigeria Pathway for Disability and Women Inclusive PEACEBUILDING in Nigeria,” as attached.

We are delighted to note that on March 18, 2024, in recognition of the aforementioned, you fulfilled this commitment by establishing the National Commission for the Almajiris and out-of-school Children’s Education and appointed Brigadier General Lawal Ja’afar Isa (Rtd.) as the Chairman of the Board, while Dr Idris Mohammad Sani assumes the role of Executive Secretary/CEO. This decisive action demonstrates your dedication to addressing critical issues affecting our society, especially, our 35.5 million Nigerians with Disabilities, including the Almajiris At-Risk Children who were childhood victims of traumas, who always end up suffering from one of its mysterious and debilitating late effects, called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (Psychological or mental health disability).

The establishment of the National Commission for the Almajiris and Out-of-School Children’s Education, aligns well with the At-Risk Program, especially its Grassroots, Community-based STEM-Education, plus Arts and Culture, (STEAC-Education), Entrepreneurship, Blockchain Architecture, Coding, and Robotics, etc., starting from Kindergarten-Primary and SecondarySchools. The At-Risk Children Program is a component of the National Social Investment Program within the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, overseen by Hajia Zaliha Sanusi Yusuf, as the National Manager.

Mr. President, before the suspension of Dr. Betta Edu as Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, demonstrated remarkable foresight by restructuring the National Social Investment Programs, implementing disability inclusion, and appointing capable individuals who have already made significant impacts nationwide. One such program is the At-Risk Children initiative, led by Hajiya Zaliha Sanusi Yusuf, as National Program Manager.

It is our pleasure to inform you that the strategic work plan of the At-Risk Children Program was put together by the Pioneers of Nigeria’s National and International Disability Civil Rights Movement and Policy Changers under Disability-Inclusion and Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Article 4.3. It was our effort in collaboration with the National Program Manager of the At-Risk Children, Hajia Zaliha Sanusi Yusuf under the leadership, and the tireless effort of Dr. Edu that we developed a comprehensive strategic plan for the At-Risk of Children program which we are still conducting its reviews and amendments. The Strategic work plan was carefully scripted to tackle insecurity in Nigeria. This plan, which prioritized disability inclusion, highlighted the commitment of all programs under the National Social Investment to serving individuals with disabilities.

Mr. President to give strength and create awareness of the legacy programs as stated in the At-Risk Children Program, we were able to present a well-researched publication titled: “Unveiling the Nexus: Urgent Need to Start Recognizing Disability, Persons with Disabilities & Mismanagements of NCPD/JONAPWD-National as Major Causes of Nigeria’s Insecurity” and to Inaugurate Annual Disability & Women Inclusive PEACEBUILDING for curbing Nigeria’s Insecurity, et al …,” dated February 26, 2024. It was in this publication that we reminded you of your promise on the 3rd of January 2023 to the northwest region leaders, and we are glad that you immediately responded by establishing the National Commission for the Almajiris and out-of-school Children’s Education.

Also, Your Excellency, our performing President, all these lofty doable legacy initiatives which we started under the suspended Hon. Dr. Betta Edu, aimed at helping the administration and Renewed Hope Agenda achieve true Disability & Women’s Inclusive economic developments, peace, and unity. We were able to propose and initiate an Annual Disability & Women Inclusive PEACEBUILDING scheduled to be held on February 29, 2024, but because Hon Dr Edu was still in suspension, it could not be held. Mr. President, in our well-researched Publication, we highlighted valid, debatable, and verifiable concerns regarding the intersection of disability and insecurity, impacting over 35.5 million Nigerians with Disabilities and Nigerians in general, including the Almajiris, First Responders, wounded Military personnel, Police, DSS, EFCC, ICPC, Civil Defense, Customs, and other law enforcement officers, as well as our family members. Please see the quoted excerpt below and the attached full copy:

“His Excellency President Bola Ahmed Tinubu inherited the ongoing Nigeria’s epidemic of Insecurity, Terrorism, Kidnapping, bandits, Irreconcilable Community Disputes, food insecurity, illegal manning and sales of Natural resources, and a toxic, stressful, traumatic, and deadly environment. These are caused by a few of our 35.5 Million Nigerians with Disabilities, who were neglected or ignored by former and current At-Risk Children. They were poor and helpless childhood victims of Traumas, who ended up suffering from one of its mysterious and debilitating late effects, called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Therefore, in our nation’s aforementioned current security challenges, which we, the original Pioneers of Nigeria’s National and International Disability Civil Rights Activists, Advocates, Educators, and Policy Changers, have classified as a serious state of emergency, lies a critical aspect often overlooked, which are valid, arguable, and verifiable intersections of: – ‘DISABILITY’ and ‘INSECURITY’ – ‘PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES’ and ‘INSECURITY’ – ‘CENTURIES-OLD HISTORICAL TRAUMAS’ and ‘INSECURITY’ – ‘CLIMATE CHANGE, POLLUTION, et al …’ and ‘INSECURITY’ – ‘POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER (PTSD)’ and ‘INSECURITY’

We, the Pioneers of Nigeria’s National and International Disability Civil Rights Movement and Policy Changers, led by Miss Omotunde Ellen Thompson, Board of Trustees Chairperson of JONAPWD-National, and Chief Eric NdububezeUfom, President/CEO, Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities International, Inc (ERPWDI) (aka Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities Initiative (ERPWDI), based in Houston, Texas, United States of America, including Dr Lengnen J. Jikukka, the Executive Director of Plateau State Disability Rights Commission, the Convener Job Napoleon Agbor, among others are concerned Nigerians, who are driven by a commitment to your Renewed Hope Agenda, and the First Lady’s Renewed Hope Initiative. We have unwavering strong enthusiasm to see you succeed in taking our nation out of the present economic doldrums, which is characterized by insecurity, terrorism, kidnapping, bandits, irreconcilable community disputes, toxic, stressful, traumatic, and deadly environment, lack of true implementations of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities (Prohibition) Act, 2018, and all other UN Treaties, disability-inclusive PEACEBUILDING, and SDGs, 2030 Agenda mess, which you inherited from the previous administrations, to our promised land.”

As we clearly stated above, Mr. President, you can observe that Hon.Dr. Betta Edu, with excellent use of her medical and healthcare professional experience, fully understood the needs of over 35.5 million Nigerians with disabilities, including the Almajiris, first responders, wounded military veterans including the Police, DSS, EFCC, ICPC, Civil Defense, Customs, and other law enforcement personnel, as well as our family members. She has been a significant asset to your administration in addressing the numerous inherited challenges from the previous administration. Her efforts contribute to finding lasting disability and women-inclusive sustainable solutions, embodying unwavering dedication to the Renewed Hope Agenda. She brings together not only local expertise but also a wealth of international experts on disability inclusions and the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and all other UN Treaties, brimming with innovative ideas and strategies, especially with the proposed establishment of feasible grassroots, community-based STEM education, arts, and culture (STEAC education), entrepreneurship, blockchain architecture, computer coding, and robotics across all 36 states/FCT and 774 LGAs communities and towns’ primary, secondary, and higher institutions, showcasing your administration in a favourable light.

The suspended Hon Dr. Betta Edu, in her over six months as Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, the nation witnessed tangible impacts of your administration, especially among 35.5 million Nigerians with disabilities, including the Almajiris, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), Nigeria’s first responders, wounded Nigerian military veterans, with the Police, ICPC, EFCC, DSS, Civil Defense, Customs, and other law enforcement officers who suffer from one of the unrecognized and unaddressed late effects and their direct family members, known as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD) (psychological or mental disability).

Unfortunately, these good works with empirical impact on Nigerians across the board were put on hold through her suspension, and while the allegations against her are still pending, we urge Mr President to reinstate her as a Minister in the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation so that she can continue the implementation of lofty disability and women-inclusive grassroots initiatives, and community-based village movement Renewed Hope Agenda.

Mr. President, drawing from our decades-long experiences, and looking at particularly her predecessors including the past Ministers in Federal Ministers of Women Affairs, and their Federal Directors of Rehabilitation under the Social Department, none was a trained medical doctor or professional clinical psychologist, psychiatrist, clinical social workers, and experts on clinical health care, like Honorable Dr. Betta Edu. She is a physician Scientist and Humanitarian per excellence who is committed, competent, and understanding of our multiple, complex disability issues including social, healthcare, equal rights to justice, and constitutional needs.

Sir, we humbly and respectfully state and declare our doubt that it be a daunting task and a waste of time to find another committed and understandable Physician Scientist and Humanitarian expert like Honorable Dr Betta Edu who in her short tenure as Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation was bold in upholding and fixing the numerous volumes of inherited previous administration’s damages, and fraudulent implementations of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), notably its pivotal article 4.3, “Nothing About Us, Without Us,” the Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities (Prohibition) Act of 2018, and Disability and Women Inclusive SDGs, 2030 Agenda. Her vast public healthcare and medical knowledge experience was able to navigate the complexities and fix the problems of over 35.5 million Nigerians with disabilities, including the Almajiris, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), Nigeria’s first responders, wounded Nigerian military veterans, and the Police, ICPC, EFCC, DSS, Civil Defense, Customs, and other law enforcement officers who are under our direct care. Honourable Dr Edu possesses a profound understanding of our Nigerian citizens with disabilities, direct family members, and community, and these are the winning ingredients that make her stand out strong above her equal and others.

Sir, reviewing her massive disability-inclusive and accessible multiple legacies grassroots, community-based projects, and programs accomplishments within six months, working in collaboration with us, the pioneers of Nigeria’s national and international disability civil rights movement and policy changes, they are valid and verifiable evidence that, under your guidance and approval, the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, and the At-Risk Program under the suspended Medical Doctor Edu, expertly initiated pioneering disability-inclusive grassroots, community-based village movement programs with enduring impacts on Nigerians, transcending the duration of your administration.

Highlights of her initiatives include pledging to allocate 10% of all intervention programs by the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation to persons with disabilities, significantly enhancing the budget for the Commission for Disabled Persons in Nigeria, and spearheading the establishment of 40 modern toilet units for the Alheri Leprosy Colony in Yangoji Kwali Area Council, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

Furthermore, through collaborative efforts with the Federal Government, state entities, and UNICEF, the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, under Dr. Betta Edu’s stewardship, played a crucial role in establishing transit schools for 11,000 out-of-school displaced children in Niger State. These achievements underscore Dr Edu’s unwavering dedication to improving the lives of Nigerians, especially those marginalized by disabilities, and her invaluable contributions to your administration’s legacy of inclusive governance.

Our collaboration with Hon Dr. Betta began on December 30, 2023, during her welcome event in Abi LGA of Cross River State. Through the support of her community leaders, we presented our program proposals, which she swiftly acted upon by coordinating relief efforts with the Nigerian Military following the tragic events in Plateau State on January 2, 2024.

One of our flagship initiatives, the Nigeria Women and Disability Inclusive Peacebuilding Summit scheduled for March 2024, unfortunately, did not materialize due to Dr Edu’s suspension. Additionally, our upcoming Inaugural Annual Peacebuilding Summit and Ambassadors of Peace Awards Ceremony in May 2024 aim to emphasize disability and women’s inclusion in Nigeria’s digital economic development is in top gear and we will appeal to you to allow Hon Dr. Edu to participate in this upcoming program that will demonstrate the commitment of your administration to peacebuilding including the overlooked population of our nation.

On behalf of the Nigerian PWD leaders, Pioneers, and over 35.5 million Nigerians with disabilities, we appeal to you, as a fair and just leader, to reconsider Honorable Dr Edu’s suspension. Her contributions during her tenure, including her strategic policies aligned with the Renewed Hope Agenda, her grassroots engagement, and her effective representation on the international stage, demonstrate her dedication to the nation’s progress.

We implore you Mr. President to kindly reinstate Honorable Dr. Betta Edu as Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation to enable her to continue helping in fixing the mess you inherited. Sir, as you have boldly executed policies for the greater good of the nation, we trust you will recognize Honorable Dr Edu’s achievements and provide her with a fair opportunity to continue her impactful work.


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