
The Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA) Empowerment

What The Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA) Empowerment offers

The following are what The Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA) Empowerment offers:

1. Learning - Online & Live Classes

The Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA) Empowerment offers educational contents and training directly to your devices. The Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA) Empowerment online and live classes ensure accessibility and flexibility in the learning process, fostering skill development and knowledge acquisition in a dynamic and convenient virtual environment.

2. Digital Community

The Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA) Empowerment is dedicated to building a strong community of young people who are passionate about making a difference in Nigeria. The Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA) Empowerment community building programs include: Youth clubs, Leadership & Volunteering opportunities.

3. Start-Up Support

Launching dynamic online initiatives and campaigns designed to identify, nurture, and uplift aspiring entrepreneurs. The Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA) Empowerment comprehensive start-up support includes virtual mentorship, access to funding opportunities, and networking avenues.

4. Youth Participation in Politics

More knowledge means more understanding and more participation.  The Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA) offers opportunities for young people and even beneficiaries of Npower to get involved in government through internships and volunteer programs.

5. Job Fair & Opportunities

Through the Nigerian Youth Academy's virtual and physical job fairs and career opportunities and programs, the Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA) connects young people and youths with employers and organizations across multiple industries.

6. LifeTime Resource Hub

Embark on a journey of lifelong learning with The Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA) Resource Hub - providing lifetime access to a rich repository of educational materials, information and essential resources to empower Nigerian youth in their pursuits.

Objectives of Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA) Empowerment

In the heart of Nigeria's transformative journey, the Nigerian Youth Academy emerges as a beacon of empowerment, igniting a vision for a resilient tomorrow. With a resounding commitment to empower and train 7,000,000 youth within the next two years, the Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA) stands as a dynamic force propelling the nation's future. In this pursuit, it intertwines innovation, regional collaboration, and global perspectives, envisioning a landscape where Nigerian youth become architects of positive change. Join Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA) on this transformative journey as the Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA) delve into the Nigerian Youth Academy's strategic initiatives, designed to mold a future where empowerment knows no bounds.

The objectives of the Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA) are as follows:

1) To empower and train 7,000,000 youth within the next two years

2) To generate 5,000,000 jobs within the next four years

3) To increase the productive capacity of Nigeria through its Youth

4) To grow the Nigerian Digital Economy

Target Audience for Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA) Empowerment

Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA) stands as a dynamic Youth-Focused Education and Empowerment Platform poised to impact millions of youths and Npower beneficiaries across Nigeria. The Nigerian Youth Academy's commitment spans holistic skill development, fostering critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving abilities to prepare young individuals for the complexities of the modern world. Our comprehensive targets include all youths including Npower beneficiaries between the ages of 18 to 35years comprising of:

1) Students and Non-students

2) Graduates & Non-Graduates

3) Freelancers and Startup Founders

4) Youths waiting to get jobs

5) Employees across organizations

How to Register For Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA)

Embark on your journey to Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA) empowerment in just three simple steps.

Step 1: Go to NiYA Academy

Ready to take courses? Visit the Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA) and start learning

Step 2: Join NiYA Community

Enter your details, select your desired course that caters to your specific interests and goals.

Register now click here

Frequently asked questions about the Nigerian Youth Academy (NiYA)

Q. What is NiYA? 

A. NiYA stands for Nigerian Youth Academy, a platform empowering young Nigerians with knowledge, skills, and mentorship to unlock their potential and become future leaders.

Q. Who is NiYA for?

A. NiYA is for all young Nigerians including Npower beneficiaries between the ages of 18-35 years, from all regions and local government areas of Nigeria. Any youth interested in acquiring skills and belonging to the largest online digital community of Nigerian Youths. 

Q. Aside from online courses, what else does NiYA offer?

A. NiYA also provides live classes, online job/career fairs, membership zones, forums, startup supports, podcasts, mentorship programs, networking opportunities, and lifetime access to our resource centre. 

Q. What types of courses does NiYA offer?

A. NiYA offers various online courses covering various topics like business, technology, finance, life skills, personal development, and more. NiYA have categorised them into three namely; 1) Technical Skills to get Jobs 2) Soft Skills to actualise your full potentials and 3) Others to grow your international knowledge and self-identity. 

Q. Is NiYA free to join? 

A.NiYA is completely FREE, thanks to our partners and sponsors. 

Q. Do I receive a certificate upon completing a course?

A. Yes, you will receive a certificate of completion for successfully finishing a NiYA course.



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