
Npower Payment: National Association of Npower Beneficiaries Will Be Going To Abuja Next Week

According to Npower News the National Association of Npower beneficiaries will be going to Abuja next week to meet with Dr. Badamasi Lawal, the Npower Publicity Secretary Adeshina A. Adex made the statements below:

"August 27th I alongside other National Exco's will be in Abuja on invitation of the Ministry."

"We are leading the long awaited Official Delegation based on invitations to the ministry next week, What are your grievances???"

"We decided to change the Name of this page because of enemies of Progress who keep reporting the account day and night until Facebook gave us an impersonation notice with just 24 hours to act or risk account closure. We will change the name into something that suits the struggle in the next 60 days once the account become functional again.

You'll be updated on everything.

Thanks for your concern."

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