N-Power: N-Power Volunteers Should Participate In The MindtheGap Skill Acquisition Training

All N-Power Batch A, N-Power Batches B as well as N-Power Batches C that recieved  the digital skill acquisition training from MindTheGap has been advised to engage actively in the skill acquisition training as the invite is genuine and authentic.

Although it was not all N-Power Volunteers that received the invited, there is no cause for alarm as the digital training would be conducted in batches.

If you received the invite as an Exited N-Power Batch A or N-Power Batch B Volunteer or prospective N-Power Batch C Volunteer then go ahead and participate in the digital skill acquisition training.

MindtheGap is one of the leading partners for the Google sponsored DigtalSkills4Africa project. 

The main objective is to leverage the unique qualities and aspirations of the N-Power youths towards developing and growing their communities through great digitalized innovative solutions.

It is not only N-Power that is partnering with MindTheGap, even the Federal Ministry of Youths and Sports Development is also Partnering with MindTheGap to train, develop and equip young Nigerians in the areas of digital skills, and other information technology skill acquisition training.

The digital skill acquisition training will be conducted in batches, state by state because it was not every N-Power Volunteer that was invited for the digital skills acquisition training. 

Exited N-Power Volunteers in Bayelsa has been the first in the southern zone to be invited for the N-Power/MindtheGap partnered digital skill acquisition training.
