Npower: How To Fix Npower PPA Letter Not Downloading Issue

If you are an N-Power Batch C applicant and you have done your Npower physical verification but you are having issues downloading your PPA letter, would suggest you try the following below:

1) An Npower Batch C applicant having issues downloading his or her N-Power PPA letter should check his or her Internet connection and ensure that it is in working condition, preferably switch to 4G network or use a high calibre broad band network connection. 

2) An Npower Batch C applicant having PPA letter downloading issues should endeavor to clear internet cache, temporary files, cookies, history, by simply going to the browser settings or using the disk cleanup tool, CCleaner, restart your computer and try again. 

3) An Npower Batch C applicant having PPA letter downloading issues should choose a different download location when downloading the Npower PPA letter.


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