How To Get Npower Focal Person's Address Through Npower Twitter Handle

Npower Batch C stream 2 beneficiaries having difficulties locating their state Npower focal person's address can do so through Npower twitter handle, it is no longer news that without the stamp of the Npower state focal person on the Npower Batch C stream 2 deployment letter the Npower Batch C stream 2 beneficiary will not be paid his or her Npower monthly stipend, in order to locate the state Npower focal person's address for deployment and redeployment issues, the Npower Batch C stream 2 beneficiary should follow the process below.


1) The Npower batch c stream 2 beneficiary should login into twitter.

2) After login into twitter, the Npower Batch C stream 2 beneficiary should use the search 🔍 feature on Twitter and search for Npower twitter handle by inputting @npower_ng into the twitter search 🔍 feature.

3) Once step 2 is completed then the Npower twitter handle page will appear.

4) The Npower batch c stream 2 beneficiary should click on the compose icon that looks like a feather ðŸŠķ in a blue ðŸ”ĩ round circle.

5) In the message the Npower Batch C stream 2 beneficiary should go straight to point and avoid unnecessary details, the Npower Batch C stream 2 beneficiary should just say " I need the address of the Npower state focal person for my state, xyz state" and click on tweet, then the message will be delivered directly to Npower.

After laying your request, the Npower Batch C stream 2 beneficiary should keep checking his or her notification icon that looks like a bell icon on Npower twitter handle to check if the delivered message has been responded to.
